Everything Compliance- Shout Outs and Rants from Episode 84


Check out the Shout Outs and Rants from Episode 84 of Everything Compliance. Guest Panelist Mary Shirley joins in the fun. 1. Jay Rosen shouts out to those attorneys at DOJ and State AGs’ offices who stood up when Trump tried to steal the election. 2. Mary Shirley rants about the lessening of the CCO role. 3. Jonathan Marks rants about MLB having a Field of Dreams baseball game and then blacking it out to almost ½ of the country. 4. Jonathan Armstrong has a melancholy shout out, as he honors 1st responders to the Plymouth shooting in the UK. 5. Tom Fox shouts out Texas Governor Gregg Abbott and his inaction on the Texas Power Grid crisis, which increased his campaign contributions from the energy industry.

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