Exploring Misappropriation Theory

Derek is 2L at Washington and Lee University with a background in K-9 search and rescue in California. He now balances being a law student, pet owner for a retired working dog, husband, and father. In this episode of Classroom Insiders, Derek discusses misappropriation theory and how it came about. 

Justice Powell believed that the idea of equal access to information was not practical in relation to reality. While it may have been the ideal, the disclose-or-abstain rule was not a pragmatic approach to regulating insider trading, as no one would ever have equal access to information across the board. Powell expressed this in his ruling, arguing that if equal access to information was required, there wouldn’t be many people trading.
According to Justice Powell, misappropriation theory was an extension of insider trading regulation that was beyond of the SEC’s authority and the existing understanding of insider trading regulation. Unfortunately, he retires after convincing some of his colleagues to vote against it. As he was no longer on the bench, he could not contribute to the tied 4-4 voting results, so the Second Circuit’s opinion stood by default.
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