FCPA Compliance Report: Andy Spalding on Transforming Global Sports

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest running podcast in compliance.

In this edition of the FCPA Compliance Report,  Tom Fox welcomes Professor Andy Spalding, an expert in anti-corruption law, to discuss his extensive work with the Paris Olympic Committee in preparation for the 2024 Olympic Games.

Spalding shares insights about his involvement with the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA) and elaborates on how anti-corruption and human rights reforms are being integrated into the Olympic preparations.

The discussion also delves into the historical significance of these reforms and their potential to have a lasting positive impact. Furthermore, Fox and Spalding explore the groundbreaking work done by Qatar during the FIFA World Cup and its implications for future mega sporting events.

The episode concludes with thoughts on how the accumulated knowledge and best practices from different countries could shape the future of global sporting events, emphasizing the importance of collaboration among stakeholders.

Highlights in this Episode:

  • Involvement with Paris 2024 Olympics
  • Role and Impact of French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA)
  • Innovative Compliance Measures for Paris Olympics
  • Comparison with Qatar’s World Cup Reforms
  • Future of Anti-Corruption in Mega Sporting Events


Andy Spalding at University of Richmond – School of Law

CCI Webinar on A New Era in Megasports Anti-Corruption

Tom Fox







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