FCPA Compliance Report – GWIC Ladies Reflect

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. This episode features a special episode with guests Lisa Fine and Mary Shirley of the Great Women in Compliance podcast. Great Women in Compliance is coming up on its 200th-anniversary show and will move to GWIC 2.0. I asked the women if they would reflect on where they have been and where GWIC may be going.

In this podcast, Mary and Lisa reflect on their podcast journey, discussing their impact on their audience and themselves. They talk about their interview style, attempts to get Dolly Parton’s permission to use her song, and upcoming episodes, including adding a co-host. The podcast highlights the importance of diverse voices and perspectives and aims to make guests comfortable while maintaining a professional yet relaxed tone. Join these dynamic hosts as they share memories and tease new ideas, including a book release and round table discussions with women. Take advantage of this engaging and authentic conversation about success, imposter syndrome, and making a difference!

Key Highlights:

  • Great Women in Compliance: 200th Episode Reflections
  • Evolution of a Passion Podcast
  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome on Podcasts
  • Opportunities and Authenticity in Podcasting
  • Approach to podcasting and favorite moments
  • Podcast Length and Dolly Parton’s Theme Song
  • Building Successful Business Relationships as Co-Hosts
  • Thanking Listeners for Ideas and Growth

Notable Quotes:

“As a true supporter of women, you looked at us and said, ‘Why don’t you do it?’ And suddenly, right away, it went from this thing we talked about into something bigger than both of us and turned into a book where the people interested in this shared their stories.”

“The podcast started as a hobby but has become an intricate part of our lives, not only as individuals but at least as in my life as cohosts and friends.”

“And what I think was an honor for Lisa and myself as people who aren’t necessarily on the speaking circuit, that we wanted to get the diversity of thought and new voices on the show.”

“Everybody is a thought leader. I’m talking to you because I think you’re a thought leader, and I think you’re bringing something to the table that, again, in a way, which not to make somebody feel pressured into doing it But I also think that’s how I connect with people. Whether they like it or not, this is the conversation. And this is who I am.”


Mary Shirley

Lisa Fine

Great Women in Compliance

Tom Fox






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