FCPA Compliance Report – Maria D’Avanzo on Privacy Issues in the US and Beyond

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the longest-running podcast in compliance. Join Tom Fox, the host of FCPA Compliance Report, as he speaks with Maria D’Avanzo, Chief Evangelist Officer at Traliant about privacy issues in the US and around the world. Discover the challenges businesses face due to the lack of national law in the US, with multiple state laws led by California. Compare this to the EU, where GDPR has been in place since 2018, and similar laws have been implemented in other countries such as Singapore, Australia, and Brazil. Learn how GDPR has changed the way businesses handle privacy by making it a part of business processes. Discover the importance of consulting with a good outside counsel, especially for global privacy policy implementation.

Explore how to handle cybersecurity incidents and disclosure of information, as regulations on this topic are still developing. Hear from Maria on how to address these incidents internally and the importance of an incident response plan. Find out how collaborating with the Chief Information Security Officer is crucial in developing a specific plan for these incidents, including a group effort from various departments.

Hear about instances where organizations share confidential information or data, leading to legal backlash and damage to reputation. This section discusses the Tesla case and suggests a broader conversation about company culture may be necessary to prevent such privacy infringements. Don’t miss out on this insightful podcast and tune in now to get important insights into privacy and cybersecurity from two industry experts!

Key Highlights

·      The Evolution of Privacy Issues Post-GDPR

·      Navigating Privacy Laws and Meeting Legal Standards

·      Cybersecurity Incident Disclosure Decision Making

·      Importance of Cybersecurity Incident Response Plan

·      The Impact of Sharing Sensitive Information


Maria D’Avanzo on LinkedIn


Tom Fox






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