From Last to First: The John Aceti Story – Episode 4 from a Master’s Degree to Teacher

What is the measure of a man? What is a life well lived? I have often thought about those questions, and with John Aceti’s help, I had the opportunity to explore them through John’s amazing life. Spry and vibrant at 93, I met John after he had published his 7th book in 92. As I got to know him and his life story, I wanted him to share his amazing and inspiring journey beginning in Niagara Falls in the 1930s to his current life in the Hill Country of Texas. Overcoming a humiliating incident at age 8, John was the first in his family to go to college, served in the Air Force, became a teacher and the principal, and retired from his first career. In his second career, he and his wife traveled internationally and ended up in Kerrville, Texas, where John began another career as an author. Join me on this fascinating journey From Last to First with John Aceti.

John Aceti discusses his transformative college experience in this episode of From Last to First. During college, John realized his strong desire to get a degree and start his career, leading him to become a good listener and an excellent student. After graduation, John became a teacher and overcame his negative experience in elementary school. He then developed a program about Italian history with his class, giving him the confidence to continue creating fun and creative learning opportunities. John’s teaching philosophy focused on small groups of students working on projects around a subject, such as studying a country. His dedication to teaching over 10 years ultimately led him to apply to teach at a laboratory school at a state university.

Tune in to this episode filled with personal stories, reflections, and inspiring words from John Aceti to learn more about his journey from veteran to teacher. Don’t miss out on this captivating and thought-provoking “From Last to First” episode!

Key Highlights:

  • Military Veteran’s Experience Returning to College
  • Leadership in College Club
  • From Ulcer to Teacher: A Personal Transformation
  • Teachers’ Role in Students’ Personal Needs
  • Effective Program for Teaching Italian History
  • Teaching Evolution: A 10-Year Journey

 Notable Quotes:

“I don’t want kids to hate you as teachers. Teachers are professional people, and they should be intelligent enough to know how to handle students academically, health-wise, and personally. That’s so important to me.”

“I hope you never deny a child to go to the bathroom because I can guarantee they will hate you the rest of their lives.”

“Adversity brings out the challenge in you to get something done.”

“We’re going to make a plan that if you have to go to the bathroom, you don’t have to ask me permission. You can just go. I trust you.”


John Aceti’s author’s page on Amazon

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