Getting Out of the Forest and Listening to Your Inner Self with Glenda Barber

As a responsible, practical adult, who you are now may not BE who you are authentic. Maybe you’ve found yourself in some difficult life situations and have fallen off your path down into a dark and cold ravine and want to get back to you. Maybe you are struggling and don’t feel aligned with your #authentic.
Learn how to listen to yourself and follow your heart again when listening to this #jammingwithjason #podcast episode. Chances are who you were as a child or seeker wants to come out again, and that’s why you don’t feel aligned.
Glenda is a Reiki Master and Provincially Registered Massage Therapist turned NLP practitioner and hypnotherapist who created the Sacred Harmony Method as a framework to help guide your hypnosis sessions and transformation. It helps open your deep inner blocks, removing limitations and getting you into alignment and flow. You’ll do this by learning to tap into your heart connection, creating heart-aligned goals and habits, and developing self-trust.
Learn more and connect with Glenda at: on Facebook and Instagram.
You can even join her Facebook Group – Unlock the Potency and Power of Heart & Mind Harmony:
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