Great Women in Compliance-Andrea Bonime-Blanc

In this episode of Great Women in Compliance, Lisa speaks with Andrea BonimeBlanc, who has “done it all” during her career in compliance.  Andrea has been a leader in this area since the “greed is good” era in 1980s New York, has developed and implemented risk, ethics and compliance programs, and is currently the founder and CEO of  GEC Risk Advisory LLC.  She talks about her current appointment as the Ethics Advisor to the Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico, her experiences as a member of a Board and some practical ideas for women (and men) in the ethics and compliance space to maximize their opportunities to become members of Boards.   She has also just completed a book “Gloom to Boom: How Leaders Transform Risk into Resilience and Value,” which provides a practical roadmap for managing environmental, social, governance and technology (ESGT) risk and opportunity and the critical role that high integrity leaders play in creating ethical and sustainable organizational resilience.

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