
Great Women in Compliance: GWIC and Everything Compliance

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance podcast on the Compliance Podcast Network, sponsored by Corporate Compliance Insights.

In today’s episode, we have a special episode which is cross-posted with Everything Compliance, which we call Ladies Night: Exploring Compliance in All-Female Podcast Takeover.

In this special Ladies Night edition of the Everything Compliance Podcast, guest host Christy Grant Hart is joined by notable women in compliance as guest panelists,  Karen Woody, Karen Moore, Lisa Fine, and Hema Lomax, for an in-depth discussion.

Topics covered include the complexities of Caremark duties and its recent interpretations, Boeing’s ongoing compliance issues, the implications of the Mike Lynch acquittal on due diligence, and ways to enhance the effectiveness of compliance training. The episode wraps up with each guest sharing their raves, offering insights and reflections on the state of compliance today.

  • Karen Woody on Caremark Duties Explained
  • Karen Moore on Boeing’s Compliance Issues
  • Lisa Fine on the Mike Lynch acquittal and HP’s Acquisition of Autonomy
  • Hemma Lomax on Effective Compliance Training
  • Rants and Raves

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