Great Women in Compliance – Sabrina Segal on Reimagining Risk Management

Welcome to the Great Women in Compliance Podcast. How can we reimagine risk management? In this episode, Hemma Lomax visits Sabrina Segal, a seasoned third-sector integrity risk and compliance advisor with a legal background. Sabrina is currently in Rwanda as part of an international development and humanitarian assistance team. She hosts Tolerable Risk, a podcast about integrity and compliance in the third sector.

Sabrina shares her perspective on compliance and risk management in the third sector, which is inherently high-risk, largely due to its operation in areas where the private sector may not see value and where government regulation has failed. Sabrina believes that traditional approaches to risk management, which are quantitative-heavy and designed for industries like finance and oil and gas, are unsuitable for the third sector, requiring a more accessible qualitative approach for diverse stakeholders. Drawing from an array of global experiences, Sabrina emphasizes the need for bespoke approaches tailored to the specific needs and constraints of small and medium-sized charities and nonprofits. Sabrina has developed an objective-centered risk management approach for the third sector based on work from her mentor, Timothy Leech. Objective-centered risk management focuses on facilitating the achievement of organizational objectives, collaborating to identify threats and opportunities, and directly influencing decision-making. Sabrina’s compliance and risk management work is designed to improve organizations’ overall programming and impact in the third sector. Still, it has many applications in the private sector and corporate compliance.

Key Highlights:

  • Tolerable Risk Podcast on Tailored Risk Management for Nonprofits

  • Navigating High-Risk Environments: Third Sector Compliance

  • Objective-Driven Risk Analysis and Decision-Making

  • Comprehensive Risk Management Strategy with Active Monitoring

  • The Importance of Involving Stakeholders in Risk Management

  • Quantitative tools and trust in data for risk management

  • Advocacy and Inclusion in Restorative Justice


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