Gwen Hassan on Her Passion on Fighting Human Trafficking

The Compliance Life details the journey to and in the role of a Chief Compliance Officer. How does one come to sit in the CCO chair? What are some of the skills a CCO needs to success navigate the compliance waters in any company? What are some of the top challenges CCOs have faced and how did they meet them? These questions and many others will be explored in this new podcast series. Over four episodes each month on The Compliance Life, I visit with one current or former CCO to explore their journey to the CCO chair. This month, my guest is Gwen Hassan, Managing Counsel and Director of Compliance at CNH Industrial.
In this fourth and final episode, Gwen talks about one of her great passions—the fight against human trafficking. Gwen has led the compliance field in education on this international scourge and sees the corporate compliance function as having the key role in every corporation to fight this global problem.

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