Heroes at Pawtastic Friends: Mike and Melissa Novelli

Welcome to the Greetings and Felicitations, a podcast where I explore topics which might not seem to be directly related to compliance but clearly influence our profession. In this episode, visit with two of my heroes Mike and Melissa Novelli, founders of Pawtastic Friends. Highlights include:

·      What is Pawtastic Friends and what led them to found Pawtastic Friends?
·      How did Pawtastic Friends start out?
·      You recently obtained your own facility. How has that changed Pawtastic Friends?
·      What is the enrichment training the dogs receive?
·      How do the dogs feel about training?
·      Some of the most memorable stories involving your work at Pawtastic Friends?
·      How can listeners get involved or donate to Pawtastic Friends.
·      Adopt Don’t shop!
Pawtastic Friends website
Pawtastic Friends donation and sponsorship opportunities
Pawtastic Friends clothing and swag

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