How Anti-Human-Trafficking Programs Supplement CSR and ESG with Aaron Kahler

Aaron Kahler is founder and Chief Executive of The Anti-Human-Trafficking Intelligence Initiative, a non-profit organization dedicated to the worldwide fight to abolish modern slavery related to labor and sex trafficking. He is also a contributing member of Cryptocurrency Compliance Cooperative. He discusses how ATII works and gives insights about incorporating their programs into a company’s CSR and ESG.

The Anti-Human-Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII) is focused on bringing anti-human trafficking programs to organizations such as financial institutions, commercial organizations, other NGOs, and businesses. ATII encourages these organizations to practice corporate social responsibility and think about environmental and social governance. They also have a unique focus on compliance and financial crimes due to Aaron’s background.
Standards are being set higher not just on the financial and regulation level, but also from new generations of society and young individuals with influence. They want to know before investments are made that companies are standing for something or meeting certain requirements.
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