How to Evaluate a Risk Assessment

After you complete your risk assessment, you must then translate it into a risk profile. If your estimate of where your bribery risk is greatest is wrong, it will be an effort to address it. As Ben Locwin explained in his BioProcess International article, entitled, Quality Risk Assessment and Management Strategies for Biopharmaceutical Companies:

Once we have assessed risks and determined a process that includes options to resolve and manage those risks whenever appropriate, then we can decide the level of resources with which to prioritize them. There always will be latent risks: those that we understand are there but that we cannot chase forever. But we need to make sure we have classified them correctly. With a good understanding of each of these, we are in a better position to speak about the quality of our businesses.

William C. Athanas, a partner in Holland and Knight, in an article in Industry Week entitled, Rethinking FCPA Compliance Strategies in a New Era of Enforcement, posited that companies assume that FCPA violations follow a bell curve in which most employees are responsible for most of the violations. However, Athanas believed that the distribution pattern more closely follows a hockey-stick distribution, where virtually all violations are committed by just a few people. Athanas concluded by noting that is this limited group of employees, or what he terms the “shaft of the hockey-stick,” to which a company should devote the majority of its compliance resources. With a proper risk assessment, a company can then focus its compliance efforts such as intensive training sessions or detailed analysis of key financial transactions involving those employees with the greatest means and motive to commit a violation.

The 2023 ECCP provided the following:

Risk Management Process—What methodology has the company used to identify, analyze, and address the particular risks it faces? What information or metrics has the company collected and used to help detect the type of misconduct in question? How have the information or metrics informed the company’s compliance program?

Updates and Revisions—Is the risk assessment current and subject to periodic review? Is the periodic review limited to a “snapshot” in time or based upon continuous access to operational data and information across functions? Has the periodic review led to updates in policies, procedures, and controls? Do these updates account for risks discovered through misconduct or other problems with the compliance program?

In the Treasury Department’s 2019 Framework for OFAC Compliance Commitments (OFAC Framework), the provided greater clarity by stating in the section entitled, Risk Assessments, the following:

II. The organization has developed a methodology to identify, analyze, and address the particular risks it identifies. As appropriate, the risk assessment will be updated to account for the conduct and root causes of any apparent violations or systemic deficiencies identified by the organization during the routine course of business, for example, through a testing or audit function.

A way to evaluate risks as determined by the company’s risk assessment is through a risk matrix. Once risks are identified, they are then rated according to their significance and likelihood of occurring, and then plotted on a heat map to determine their priority. The most significant risks with the greatest likelihood of occurring are deemed the priority risks, which become the focus of your remedial efforts or for continuous auditing. A variety of solutions and tools can be used to manage these risks going forward, but the key step is to evaluate and rate these risks. All your actions should flow from the risk ranking.

There are several ways to look at ‘Likelihood’ factors. An Event can be highly likely if it is expected to occur. An Event can be likely with a strong possibility than an event will occur Event may occur at some point, even if there is no history to support it. It can be possible and there is sufficient historical incidence to support it. Finally, an Event can be unlikely and not expected, with only a slight possibility that it may occur. Responses to likelihood factors to consider include the existence of controls, written policies and procedures designed to mitigate risk capable of leadership to recognize and prevent a compliance breakdown; compliance failures or near misses; and training and awareness programs.

The priority rating is the likelihood rating and ratings that reflect the significance of particular risk universe. It is not a measure of compliance effectiveness or to compare efforts, controls or programs against peer groups.

The most significant risks with the greatest likelihood of occurring are deemed to be the priority risks. These become the focus of your most significant risk management efforts, couple with audit and monitoring going forward. A variety of tools can be used to continuously monitoring risk going forward. Consider providing employees with substantive training to guard against the most significant risks coming to pass and to keep the key messages fresh and top of mind. It is important to create a risk control summary that succinctly documents the nature of the risk and the actions taken to mitigate it. Finally, let this risk assessment and evaluation inform your compliance program, rather than letting the compliance program inform the risk assessment.

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