Welcome to a special five-part podcast series from the Compliance Podcast Network. In this series I am taking a look at the Hughes Hubbard & Reed 2019 FCPA and Anti-Bribery Alert. I visit with five firm lawyers involved in the preparation of the report, each of whom is a subject matter expert in an area of the FCPA and anti-corruption. In this Part 2, I visit with Laura Perkins, co-Executive Editor of the Alert for an overview of the 2019 Alert.
Some of the highlights include:
- What were some of the key developments from the Department of Justice over the past year in the FCPA?
- What were some of the enforcement actions from the Department of Justice over the past year in the FCPA?
- What were some of the policy announcements from the Department of Justice over the past year in the FCPA?
- What were some of the DOJ tips on best practices in compliance were to be found in FCPA enforcement actions over the past year?
- Why are the guidance documents from the DOJ so useful to the compliance professional?
Hughes Hubbard 2019 FCPA and Anti-Bribery Alert, click here.