Human Trafficking is Everyone’s Problem: Steps that Organizations Can Take to Disrupt Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is the fastest-growing transnational crime with more than 25 million people held in forced labor and sexual exploitation. As if these numbers aren’t horrifying enough, 10 million of those trafficked people are children, and yet rarely are US organizations focused on human trafficking’s impact on their operations, much less society as a whole. In fact, most of us consider human trafficking to be a problem occurring in developing countries and that there are more pressing issues that should demand our attention and compliance resources. That false narrative is part of what makes human trafficking so difficult to counter.


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Scott Moritz is a leading authority on white-collar crime, anti-corruption, and in the evaluation, design, remediation, implementation, and administration of corporate compliance programs, codes of conduct. He is also considered an authority in the establishment, training, and oversight of the investigative protocols carried out by financial intelligence, corporate security, and internal audit units.

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