Innovation Through Comprehensive UX with Ben Seals

Tom Fox hosts Ben Seals, CEO of Thomas Eye Group, on this episode of Innovation In Compliance. They delve into the company’s innovative approach to employee, customer, and business process experience. They also talk about how technology is changing how businesses operate and how it will impact healthcare in the future. 

As the CEO of Thomas Eye Group, a full-service eye care provider, Ben Seals brings a wealth of experience to the table. With a background in operations, customer service, payor/provider contract relations, and acquisition integration, he has a diverse set of skills that he leverages to oversee the execution of the company’s strategic vision. At Thomas Eye Group, the mission is to provide a lifetime of outstanding eye care, with a focus on sustainable growth that prioritizes patient care. 


Here are some key points Tom and Ben discuss:

  • Ben talks about his professional background and his current role at Thomas Eye Group.
  • Thomas Eye Group was recently awarded with the ModMed Innovation Award, for their innovation in healthcare and patient-centric approach.
  • Ben tells Tom that they have improved customer communication by enabling patients to easily schedule and reschedule appointments online, streamlining the process and reducing time spent in the office.
  • With ModMed, doctors can access patient data through a single platform, which addresses the issue of disparate information across several systems, allowing them to make better, more informed decisions and engage with patients during face-to-face conversations.
  • Ben explains that ASC has improved customer experience by using the Modmed ASC platform. The need to transfer paperwork between different sites has been eliminated as it is fully integrated with the practice management system, allowing for seamless coordination of care and electronic consent forms to be shared with patients.
  • Ben explains ModMed Pay and Text to Pay and what methods were used to be able to improve efficiency in the payment process, both in pre-visit and in post visit payments.
  • By using a text message feature, patients are informed about their balance with insurance companies and asked for payments, resulting in a significant increase in the number of payments made.
  • Ben describes what new innovations he sees down the road for Thomas Eye Group and ModMed. 



“The ability to text patients real time, have a cadence of communication and ask for receipt of those payments delivered significant results for our revenue cycle team.” – Ben Seals



Ben Seals | LinkedIn 

Thomas Eye Group


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