It’s ALL About Relationships

The quality of your personal and professional life comes down to the quality of your relationships, but don’t take my word for it. Harvard University has been running a study on adult development since 1938, and that is what they concluded too.
Successful executives know it all comes down to how well they manage relationships with themselves, their staff, and their stakeholders. Almost every challenge you have in life has to root cause of a relationship issue.
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast episode we dig into some of the things you need to be proficient doing every day, and every week to manage your self, stakeholders and staff so you can be an effective leaders.
Listen in at:
I’m so passionate about this topic that I even created a whole executive leadership program to give CAEs the skills they need to succeed as a confident executive leader.
Even though it’s specifically designed for Chief Audit Executives, the topics and skill taught in the CAE Briefing Executive Leadership Program is relevant for anyone.
When you are ready to become a relationship ninja, register NOW at:

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