James Koukios on the MoFo January Int’l Anti-Corruption Newsletter

In this episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, I am joined by fan favorite James Koukios, partner at Morrison and Foerster. In this episode we consider some of the key ABC issues in the always great MoFo Monthly Top 10 International Anti-Corruption Developments for January 2022. Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. Opinion Release 22-01.
  2. Summary Judgment granted in bribery related breach of contract case-use of bribery allegations to get out of contract.
  3. FIFA defendants raise local law defense. What is it and how is it raised and why it has never been successful in a FCPA context
  4. Former CEO of Pemex charged. Is Mexico finally stepping up to ABC enforcement?
  5. South African anti-corruption commission. Will this finally help SA move past capture and a culture of corruption.

James Koukios on the MoFo website
January International Anti-Corruption Newsletter here

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