John Fanning on the Increased Need for Due Diligence During Covid-19

Welcome to the newest addition to the Compliance Podcast Network, Compliance and Coronavirus. In this episode, I visit with John Fanning. He is a long-time player in the compliance space and John recently associated with Integrity Risk International. We discuss his move over to IRI and then take a deeper dive into 3rd party due diligence in the time of Coronavirus.
Some of the highlights include:

  • Why are due diligence services even more important in the era of Covid-19?
  • What are Three Important Due Diligence Technology Innovations?
  • Due Diligence is broader than simply FCPA compliance, for instance what is the role of DD in ‘Green Risk’?
  • What are some of the other services IRI provides?

For more information on Integrity Risk International and click here.
For more information on John Fanning, check out his LinkedIn profile here.

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