John Katsos – Due Diligence in Conflict Zones

In this episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, I visit with John Katsos, Assistant Professor and Scholar at American University of Sharjah. John has researched and performed due diligence in conflict zones in the Middle East and Africa. He was part of a research team that published a series in the Big Idea section of the Harvard Business Review entitled Preparing for the Era of Uncertainty, which is a must read for every compliance professional. He brings a unique perspective to a variety of compliance topics. Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. Academic and professional background.
  2. Why due diligence in conflict zones so difficult?
  3. What are some of the important differences in performing DD in conflict zones?
  4. What are some keys to successfully performing DD in conflict zones?
  5. Key lessons you observed on DD in Cyprus?
  6. Where did you come up with the idea for this series of articles, Preparing for the Era of Uncertainty?
  7. A discussion of each article in the series.?
  8. What is it like teaching anti-corruption and other forms of compliance outside the US?
  9. How do you see your work tying into a broader ESG discussion?
  10. How does climate change and migration across borders influence your thinking?

Preparing for the Era of Uncertainty-Harvard Business Review
John Katsos website, including some great research and papers
John Katsos LinkedIn profile

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