Kerrville Weekly News Roundup: July 29, 2023

Welcome to the Kerrville Weekly News Roundup. Each week, veteran podcaster Tom Fox and his colleagues Andrew Gay and Gilbert Paiz get together to go over a couple of their favorite stories from the past week from Kerrville and the greater Hill Country. Sit back, enjoy a cup of morning coffee and listen in to get a wrap up of the Kerrville Weekly News. We each consider two of our favorite stories and talk about the upcoming weekend’s events which will enjoy or participate in this weekend.

In this episode, Tom, Gilbert and Andrew discuss the following stories which caught their attention over the past week.

  • Tom notes the trial date set for Harvey Bellew for his potential removal from office and shouts to the construction of the new county animal shelter. This weekend he will be nursing one of his pooches who had knew surgery this week.
  • Andrew discusses hospitality business in Kerrville and the Kerrville Visitors and Conventions Bureau which it supports. He reminds people that August 1 is the deadline for Leadership Kerr County Class 2023-24 (registration and information). Andrew is looking forward to seeing Oppenheimer this weekend.
  • Gilbert shouts out to the Back to School Bash and says he is tired of the Anti-LGBTQ protested outside the Library. He says he is staying inside this weekend.


Tom Fox on LinkedIn

Gilbert Paiz on LinkedIn

Andrew Gay on LinkedIn

Texas Hill Country Podcast Network

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