Leadership Lessons from The Wolfman

I have always loved the classic Universal monster movies from the 1930s. I am exploring one movie each week to mine it for leadership and compliance lessons this month. For this first entry in this short series on Popcorn and Compliance, I look at the original 1941 version of The Wolfman, which starred Lon Chaney Jr as the Wolfman. Chaney embued the Monster with great pathos, and in this podcast, I explore some of the dichotomies found in the movie, which I believe move beyond simply good v. evil. Some of the supporting roles of Claude Rains as Laurency Talbot’s father, Bela Lugosi as the werewolf who attacks Chaney, and Maria Ouspenskaya as Maleva, the mother of the original werewolf, who is an empathic and wise character that provides guidance, comprehension, and comfort to the others. The movie is very atmospheric and has a ton of fun.

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