Lessons from a Chief Audit Executive with Sohail Saleem

In this week’s #jammingwithjason episode I speak with Sohail Saleem about lessons he learned from being a CAE. We discuss various topics including: investing time and money into your career development (and yes that even means out of your own pocket), having a vision, determining what you need to get to the next level, seeing the big picture, developing your soft-skills, and thinking outside of the box.
Take a listen to the episode to learn Sohail’s career path and advise on becoming a CAE at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason/
So much wisdom from Sohail in this episode.
Sohail Saleem is the Executive Director of Internal Audit (CAE) at Mount Royal University
Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
#internalaudit #chiefauditexecutive #internalauditpodcast

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