Life With GDPR – Joe Sullivan Sentence

Tom Fox and Jonathan Armstrong, renowned expert in cyber security, co-host the award-winning Life with GDPR. Matt Kelly and Jonathan Marks join Tom and Jonathan Armstrong on this episode, as they explore the case of former Uber CISO Joe Sullivan and the lessons compliance officers can learn from his lenient sentence. From growing trends of personal accountability to conflict of interests, the hosts provide six tips for chief compliance officers to protect themselves, including rehearsing responses and seeking external advice when necessary. This eye-opening episode also delves into the challenges faced by compliance officers in situations like Etsy’s ransomware scheme and how they must be cautious with threat actors’ demands. Don’t miss out on this insightful episode that will leave you questioning whether Sullivan was unfairly punished and whether executives’ remuneration packages will receive greater scrutiny going forward. Tune in now to Life With GDPR.

 Key Takeaways:

·      The Joe Sullivan Uber Case and Lessons Learned

·      Individual Liability in Corporate Malpractice

·      Compensation and Conflicts of Interest

·      The Challenges of Compliance Officers in Wrongdoing Incidents


For more information on the issues raised in this podcast, check out the Cordery Compliance, News Section. For more information on Cordery Compliance, go their website here. Also check out the GDPR Navigator, one of the top resources for GDPR Compliance by clicking here.

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