Life With GDPR: WhatsApp Breach: Hospital’s GDPR Failures Exposed

Tom Fox and Jonathan Armstrong, renowned experts in cyber security, co-host the award-winning Life with GDPR. The recent controversy surrounding Nigel Farage’s banking situation highlights the risks and compliance challenges faced by the banking industry in relation to data protection. In this episode, Tom and Jonathan discuss a data breach in a Scottish hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The breach occurred when hospital staff shared patient details on WhatsApp, raising concerns about GDPR compliance. The hospital informed the ICO about the breach but chose not to notify affected patients, highlighting the need for appropriate advice and support when making such decisions. The conversation also explores communication challenges in internal investigations and the privacy and security risks of platforms like WhatsApp. It emphasizes the importance of organizations adapting to the preferences of digital native employees and conducting data protection impact assessments. The podcast also highlights the importance of effective policies, training, and proactive phishing training to prevent cyber-attacks and protect sensitive information.


Key Takeaways:

  • Data breach in Scottish hospital
  • The Challenges of Communication in Internal Investigations
  • Importance of Policies and Training
  • Phishing Training Effectiveness


For more information on the issues raised in this podcast, check out the Cordery Compliance News Section. For more information on Cordery Compliance, go to their website here. Also, check out the GDPR Navigator, one of the top resources for GDPR Compliance, by clicking here.

Connect with Tom Fox

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