Lisa Beth Lentini Walker and Stef Tschida – Raise Your Game, Not Your Voice

In this Episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, I am joined by Lisa Beth Lentini Walker and Stef Tschida, co-authors of the book Raise Your Game, Not Your Voice. They explain what happens when a compliance professional and communications expert sit down and write a book. Their book presents actionable insights into how to forge relationships across the organization, craft a compelling compliance narrative, and spur your audience to action.

Highlights of this podcast include:

  1. Their professional backgrounds.
  2. Why they wrote the book.
  3. Why storytelling is so critical in compliance.
  4. How to set up a communications plan for your compliance messaging.
  5. Why it is necessary to become an organizational scholar.
  6. Top takeaways from the book by both Lisa Beth and Stef.
  7. How to use the book.

Raise Your Game, Not Your Voice was published by CCI. It is available for purchase in bound and eCopy formats here. Purchase on here.

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