Luckenbach Legacy: The Art of Becky Crouch Patterson

Welcome to the award-winning The Hill Country Podcast. The Texas Hill Country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In this podcast, Hill Country resident Tom Fox visits the people and organizations that make this the most unique areas of Texas. Join Tom as he explores the people, places and activities of the Texas Hill Country. In this episode, I have back Western Museum of Art Executive Director Darrell Beauchamp. We discuss the next Museum exhibit entitled “Luckenbach Legacy” and artist Becky Crouch Patterson, her painting and textile work. The exhibit will also feature storytelling and songwriting. We review the recently concluded exhibit, “The Heavens Declare”, its impact on the Museum and the legacy of the Exhibit.

For more information on the Western Museum of Art, click here.

For information on the exhibit Luckenbach Legacy, click here.

Electronic catalogue for The Heavens Declare.

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