Making Impactful Leadership with Linda Fisk


Linda Fisk is an award-winning author, speaker, and university professor. Her mission is to amplify and extend the success of other high-caliber business leaders. She is the CEO and Founder of LeadHERship Global, a community of unstoppable women enhancing their leadership blueprint and embracing their power to be the best version of themselves. In this week’s episode, she and Tom Fox discuss the challenges that come with leadership and how to overcome them. 



Leadership Is a Passion 

Tom asks Linda why she is so passionate about leadership and teaching others how to be effective leaders. She explains that throughout her career she has had the privilege to serve as the CEO or the CMO. From this position, she has witnessed first-hand “the transformational power of leaders coming together to solve problems, to advance solutions, to be able to tackle some of the most daunting issues our planet is facing today”. She explains that good leadership will always be the driving force behind a successful organization. She began studying leadership because she realized it was about making meaningful contributions to people’s lives. She believes that while there are natural-born leaders – anyone can be an excellent leader.


Origins of LeadHERship

Tom asks what led to Linda founding LeadHERship Global. While working in the C-suite, she responds, she witnessed the magnitude of what stellar leadership does for the success of the organization. Linda wanted to create “a haven for women in leadership” – a community where all women could be successful, despite their race, background, religion, or socioeconomic position. She says, “All women around the world are worthy of being considered valuable, and they should be honored, and they should be allowed to advance their success.” Her company provides all the resources, tools, learning, and connections for these women to level the playing field with their male counterparts and achieve success.


The Intervention of a Leadership Coach

Tom asks, “When should I hire a leadership coach?” Linda believes that you should hire a leadership coach when you:

  • need help navigating through real and potential conflict; 
  • are trying to cultivate your executive presence;
  • are polishing your leadership skills;
  • are fostering a greater sense of work-life integration; or 
  • want to create sustainable leadership practices. 


Becoming a better leader means learning and practicing leadership skills. Hiring a coach means that you can get honest and objective feedback on the way your employees experience you as a leader. 



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LeadHERship Global


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