Making the Shift to Agile Auditing with Rick Wright

Moving to an agile internal audit approach is a big shift in mindset. It is not just performing audits in a more nimble or lean way. It is about using agile methodologies to transform the whole audit process. This method produces a more collaborative approach with the audit client, a more self-managed team mentality, and scheduling the audits in time box work cycles (sprints). This fundamentally changes how we plan, perform, staff and report on audits.
Jason Mefford is joined by Rick Wright, CAE of YRC Worldwide to discuss the big picture view of agile auditing, how to transform your audit team into an agile methodology team, and discusses Rick’s upcoming book on Agile Auditing that will be published summer of 2019, which includes a practical approach and case studies on how to move from traditional auditing to agile auditing.

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