Mary Ann Faremouth on Revolutionary Reinvention

In this Episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, I am joined by Mary Ann Faremouth, founder of Faremouth and Company and inventor of the Faremouth Method. She joins me to discuss her latest book Revolutionary Reinventionand what you can do for your career in this post-pandemic workplace. Highlights include:

  1. Her book “Revolutionary Reinvention” just won the First Place Non-Fiction Award by Authors Marketing International? Why she wrote this book and its intended market.
  2. Why is alignment with the new normal so critical now?
  3. The Faremouth Method and how it can the Faremouth Method help the graduates of 2021.
  4. As we move into the next phase of Covid-19, why are the topics you wrote about even more important?

Mary Ann Faremouth on LinkedIn
Faremouth and Company
Books by MaryAnn Faremouth:
Revolutionary Reinvention
Revolutionary Recruiting

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