Meeting Your Clients Where They Are with Barrett Mathews

Are you still relying on outdated communication methods to reach your clients and employees? If so, you might be missing out on a huge opportunity to connect and engage with them. In this episode of Innovation in Compliance, Tom Fox speaks with Dr. Barrett Matthews, a media expert who believes in meeting clients where they are and creating authentic content to increase engagement. Barrett offers valuable insights on how businesses can leverage media to expand their reach and connect with their audience.

Dr. Barrett Matthews is a media expert with a diverse background in broadcasting, writing, and production. He has worked with industry legends like Brent Musburger and Terry Bradshaw. He eventually created a business focused on helping others embrace and leverage the power of media. Barrett now works with entrepreneurs and corporations to help them develop an authentic media presence that meets their clients where they are.


Barrett and Tom discuss in this episode:

  • Media has evolved and is more accessible today than ever before. Entrepreneurs and corporations need to embrace media and create content that meets their clients where they are.
  • People consume information through a variety of media forms, so businesses need to create content in multiple formats (e.g., podcasts, books, social media, etc.) to reach a wider audience.
  • Authenticity is key in creating engaging media content. Clients don’t necessarily buy the content itself, but rather the person behind it. Businesses should be open to showing their human side and not strive for perfection.
  • A documentary film can be a powerful way to showcase a business’s authenticity and human side. By delving into why a business does what it does, potential clients can connect with the business on a deeper level.
  • Deliver your content on the platforms where your target audience is present; this is essential for your business to succeed.
  • Ego-based marketing is not effective as it only promotes what makes a business owner comfortable. 
  • Build a strong brand by delivering on the promises you made to your customers, and exceeding their expectations. Your customers will refer your business to others, which can boost your brand recognition.
  • Podcasting is an excellent medium for those who are passionate about something because it’s easier to talk about a topic than to write a book on it.
  • Barrett is involved in two initiatives called iChange Nations and Media Monarch, where he aims to promote civility worldwide and teach grassroots journalism to people in different countries.
  • Barrett has a video training program available on his website about how to use media to gain more clients.



“If you think that you have clients all over the place, you need to meet them where they are. Meaning that if they listen to podcasts, you better have one. If they read books, you better have one, and so forth and so on.” – Dr. Barrett Matthews


“People don’t necessarily buy your content as much as they buy you when it comes to the media you put out.” – Dr. Barrett Matthews


“Marketing is what you say about yourself to people. Your brand is what people say about you.” – Dr. Barrett Matthews



Barrett Matthews on LinkedIn | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook  | Media Boss Podcast

Five Ways to Paying Clients

iChange Nations

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