Mistakes Are Part of Life with Nicola Osinaike

Sometimes various points in our life may seem random and unguided. Perhaps you think that you aren’t sure what it is you are doing?
But sometimes, if you look back on your own life, these “random” occurrences, and mistakes made along the way were exactly the experiences you needed to get you to where you are today and where you are going.
Making mistakes can be a scary thing, and in today’s podcast we have Nicola Osinaike on the show to talk to us about how to overcome that fear and allow our mistakes to make us better people.
To connect with Nicola, reach out to her on her website: https://www.auditdatahub.com/ or through LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolaosinaike/
Listen in at: http://www.jasonmefford.com/jammingwithjason219/

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