Monaco Doctrine and Memo

Compliance into the Weeds is the only weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into a compliance-related topic, literally going into the weeds to more fully explore a subject. In this episode, we look at the recently announced Monaco Doctrine as encapsulated in the Monaco Memo. Highlights include:

  1. Corporate accountability.
  2. Timeliness in turning over evidence of wrongdoing.
  3. Baby Carrots in evaluating the corporate history of misconduct.
  4. Additions to Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs.
  5. Tweaks to the Yates Memo formulation.
  6. Monitors and Monitorships.


Matt in Radical Compliance

Tom in the FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog

  1. Introduction
  2. Self-Disclosure
  3. Corporate Compliance Programs
  4. Monitors
  5. The heat is on

Monaco Memo

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