One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program Through Culture: Day 5 – Redesigning Culture

How can you think through a different way to redesign your culture and compliance program based on an article in MIT Sloan Management, entitled The Four-Step Process for Redesigning Work by Lynda Gratton? Gratton believes that a “fear of failure weighs heavily on many leaders tasked with managing new workplace expectations. Seeing the challenge as a process is the way forward.” Her piece provides a great way to think about the decision on hybrid or other models of working going forward.

Understand What Matters

Reimagine new ways of operating

Model and test new ways of working

Act and create

Gratton ended her piece by challenging leaders to ask themselves three questions: “Where are you now on the journey of redesigning work? Are there steps you need to reengage in a more purposeful manner? Are you clear about what your biggest priorities are? The actions you take now will create your signature model of work and define the deal that you are making with your employees and your customers.” The same is even more so for a Chief Compliance Officer, the corporate compliance function and culture.

 Three key takeaways:

1. How to think through redesigning your culture.

2. Understand what matters to your employees.

3. Listen, listen, listen.

Check the free webinar on the new tool, The Culture Audit with Tom Fox and Sam Silverstein on Monday, November 20, 12 CT. For more information and registration, click here.

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