One Month to More Effective HR in Compliance: Day 5 – Role of HR in Incentivizing Compliance

Welcome to the August edition of One Month to a More Effective Compliance Program. In the month of August, 2023 we will consider the role of Human Resources in a best practices compliance program.

In this episode, Tom Fox explores the role of HR in implementing effective compliance programs within companies. The episode focuses on the importance of incentivizing compliance and ethical behavior through both financial and non-financial incentives. The Department of Justice’s guidance emphasizes the need for positive incentives, such as personal evaluations, promotions, and rewards for ethics and compliance leadership. The podcast discusses various avenues for implementing incentives, including cash bonuses and non-compensation rewards like t-shirts or ethical awards. It emphasizes the role of HR in driving the right behavior through incentive structures and warns against solely promoting based on financial targets. Overall, the podcast highlights the significance of HR in creating a fully operationalized compliance program that fosters an ethical work environment.

 Three key takeaways:

  1. The DOJ 2023 ECCP specifically calls out incentives for doing business ethically and in compliance.
  2. HR can lead the efforts around incentives.
  3. Incentives go beyond financial rewards.

For more information, check out The Compliance Handbook, 4th edition, available on

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