One Month to More Effective Written Standards: Day 7 – Policies and Procedures

There are numerous reasons to put some serious work into your compliance policies and procedures. They are certainly a first line of defense when the government comes knocking. The 2020 Update made clear that “Any well-designed compliance program entails policies and procedures that give both content and effect to ethical norms and that address and aim to reduce risks identified by the company as part of its risk assessment process.

This statement made clear that the regulators will take a strong view against a company that does not have well-thought-out and articulated policies and procedures against bribery and corruption, which are systematically reviewed and updated. Moreover, having policies written out and signed by employees provides what some consider the most vital communication layer and acts as an internal control. Together with a signed acknowledgment, these documents can serve as evidentiary support if a future issue arises. In other words, the “Document, Document, and Document” mantra applies just as strongly to policies and procedures in anti-corruption compliance.

The specific written policies and procedures required for a best practices compliance program are well-known and long-established. According to the 2020 FCPA Resources Guide 2nd edition, some of the risks companies should keep in mind include the nature and extent of transactions with foreign governments (including payments to foreign officials), use of third parties; gifts, travel, and entertainment expenses; charitable and political donations; and facilitating and expediting payments. Policies help form the basis of expectations for standards of conduct in your company. Procedures are the documents that implement these standards of conduct.

Three key takeaways:

1. Written compliance policies and procedures, together with the Code of Conduct, form the backbone of your compliance program.

2. The DOJ and SEC expected well-thought-out and articulated compliance policies and procedures to be adequately communicated throughout your organization.

3. Institutional fairness for the application of policies and procedures demands the consistent application of your policies and procedures across the globe.

For more information, check out The Compliance Handbook, 4th edition, here.

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