Pawtastic Friends – The Paw Talk – Mia, Gotti & Buddy

Welcome to the newest addition to the network, Pawtastic Friends-The Paw Talk. In this podcast, host Tom Fox will visit with Michael and Melissa Novelli, co-founders of Pawtastic Friends as well as those who work with them at Pawtastic Friends. Michael and Melissa are dedicated to helping shelter and rescue dogs in the Las Vegas area become more adaptable, through enrichment training and activities such as yoga and aquatics training, as well as obedience and agility. This podcast is sure to tug on your heart strings, just listen to how sweet this one dog is! Tune in now to hear more from Michael and Melissa Novelli as they discuss their passion for helping pups in need.

Tom Fox is back with Michael Novelli and Melissa Novelli from Pawtastic Friends as they discuss their inspiring work with rescue dogs. Discover how even fearful dogs, like Mia, can be rehabilitated with patience and care. Hear the heartwarming story of Gotti and Me rescue dogs who found loving homes after being given a second chance. Lastly, don’t miss the story of Buddy, a sweet pup who was rescued from a cruel situation and desperately needed a foster family. Tune in to The Paw Talk for all this and more, and be reminded that rescue dogs are not broken – they just need a little love and a lot of care.

Dogs Featured 

·      Mia

·      Gotti

·      Buddy


“These dogs aren’t broken. They just need another chance because where they were living before, unfortunately, it didn’t work out for them.”

“He was rescued from a cruelty case. And somebody else took him, and he wasn’t being taken care of.”

“I just fell in love with him. He was a little brindle pity, kind of scared of people.

“He’s an older guy. He’s a distinguished gentleman. Super sweet.”


Pawtastic Friends

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