Performance Evaluations — Cut or Keep?

Thinking you should take it easy on your employees – maybe even yourself – during this crazy pandemic season of work-life?  
 Pump the brakes on that thought for a second! 
 While they may seem daunting to perform or stressful to receive, ultimately performance evaluations done right will help relieve stress for both parties AND maintain – even improve – performance. 
We know that oftentimes when times get tough, business gets lean for most companies. However, regardless of what difficult cuts leaders (maybe you are the leader) have had to make during this pandemic season of work-life, one thing is for sure – performance evaluations must be kept, not cut. In today’s episode, let’s talk about why! 
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 P.S. Share and tag me on social — @AlysonVanHooser — and I’ll share your comments and big takeaways on my feed! 

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