Personality-Based Internal Auditing with Barbara Siegenthaler

A lot of people are advocating auditing culture. Problem is, it’s very swishy and difficult to objectively audit. A much more practical approach is to utilize some newer research around Personality System Interaction (PSI) patterns and utilize the Organizational Personality Framework which provides new, innovative levers for change, based on analyzing the organization’s preferred personality system interaction patterns.
In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I am joined by Barbara Siegenthaler, a pioneer in a systemic approach that combines business expertise and PSI theory into a 360° degree testing and thinking grid for human factors – across the organization. She is the founder of The Organizational Personality Framework and the Personality-based Internal Auditing PBA® methodology.
Both approaches leverage the explanatory and predictive value of the Theory of Personality Systems Interactions. PSI Theory is a meta model from the domain of personality and motivation psychology, considered by academic psychology in Germany as “groundbreaking” and “highly innovative”.
​This is an episode when I had the opportunity to geek out with Barbara and show how we can improve what we do as #internalaudit when we apply principles from other disciplines into how we audit.
Learn more about Barbara and these principles at: and

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