Privacy Shield 3

Jonathan Armstrong and Tom Fox return for another episode of Life with GDPR. In this episode, consider the recently announced EU/US resolution to allow data transfer from the EU to the United States through the mechanism of Privacy Shield 3. Some of the issues we consider include:

  1. Is it Déjà vu all over again?
  2. What about consent and standard contractual clauses as a basis for data transfer?
  3. What was the court’s ruling?
  4. Why will double due diligence be required going forward?
  5. What about the UK?
  6. What does Max Shrems have to say?

Check out the Cordery Compliance client alert on this topic; click here and here. For more information on Cordery Compliance, go to their website here. Also, check out the GDPR Navigator, one of the top resources for GDPR Compliance, by clicking here.

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