Professor George Serafeim on Purpose + Profits

In this episode of the FCPA Compliance Report, I am joined by Harvard Business School Professor, author of the book Purpose + Profits, How Business Can Lift Up the World. Some of the highlights include:

1.     Why this book and why now?

2.     His personal journey to ‘purpose.’

3.     Is this book an extension of his earlier work around white-collar crime and anti-corruption compliance?

4.     What trends bring together both business goals and broader societal goals?

5.     How did technology and social media help this change?

6.     What is the role of Gen Xers and Millennials?

7.     How can or should a company data analytics into this change?

8.     What are the 6 archetypes of value creation?

9.     What is the Southwire “12 for Life” story?

10.  Why did your student’s attempt to replicate it fail, and what lessons did you draw from that failure?


George Serafeim at the Harvard School of Business

George Serafeim on Linkedin

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