Real World Intentional Living with Sean Rosensteel

In this #jammingwithjason #internalauditpodcast I take a little break from the technical and professional aspects of our career to talk with my friend Sean Rosensteel about being more intentional in our living.
Many people put their head down and focus completely on only one or two aspects of their life and wake up years later wondering what happened.
It’s like going through school and only focusing on one or two subjects and come report card time realizing we failed our other courses. The problem is in the real world “failing courses” can often mean losing relationships, stress and regret.
Being intentional in our lives allows us to consider what really matters most at this point in your life, doing regular check-ins, course correcting, and finding lifelong learning opportunities and communities of like minded people in all aspects of our life.
If you’re the kind of person who wants to get the most out of life by being intentional and living a wholistic full life, then this episode is for you.
To get a free copy of Sean’s book “The School of Intentional Living” visit his website:

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