Report from IMPACT 2023: Sally Yates, David Ogden and Andrew Weissmann – Former DOJ Heads Talk Compliance

ECI’s IMPACT 2023 was one of the leading compliance events in 2023. At this conference, Tom Fox, the Voice of Compliance, was able to visit with several of the speakers, exhibitors, participants and one group of ethically minded Girl Scout Troop. In this limited podcast series, Report from IMPACT 2023, Tom explores many of the most cutting-edge topics in ethics and compliance through short podcast episodes. Check out the full series of interviews. You will be enlightened, informed and come away with a fuller and more thorough understanding of the most cutting-edge topics in ethics and compliance. In this episode, Tom visits with former Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and David Ogden and former head of the Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann on the evolution of DOJ thinking on compliance.

This podcast episode covers the importance of compliance with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and how the Department of Justice (DOJ) is working to ensure corporate America is held accountable. Through voluntary disclosure incentives and open dialogue with the Defense Bar, agencies, and prosecutors, the DOJ has implemented measures to ensure that companies are adhering to the FCPA. The expertise of Main Justice prosecutors is highly valued, and the Fraud Section of the DOJ can provide invaluable insight into corporate policy. By fostering an open dialogue between the DOJ and industry, both parties can benefit from effective implementation of policies and an understanding of the benefits of compliance.

 Highlights include 

·      Yates Memo

·      Compliance Programs

·      Sticks and Carrots

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