
A Library of White Papers to Inform Your Compliance Practice

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GameStop and Compliance. What happens when social media meet millennial traders who want to take down ‘The Man’. Find out in this fascinating White Paper.

Boeing Fraud
Enforcement Actions

Boeing Fraud Enforcement-the DOJ brings the hammer down on Boeing for its fraud around the 737Max failures. In this White Paper, find out why every compliance professional needs to be aware of fraud risk.

Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank-FCPA Recidivist. How does a financial institution become a two-time FCPA loser? Find out in this fascinating White Paper.

BSRG in Guinea

BSRG in Guinea-the long sordid story of Beny Steinmetz and his company BSRG in Guinea was recently played out in a Swiss court where Steinmetz was found guilty of corruption. What are the lessons for the compliance professional? Find out in this White Paper.


Citibank Incorrectly Wires Out $900,000,000. How does one of the world’s most prestigious financial institutions incorrectly wire out $900mm? When transactions are so complex that no one person can understand them. Find out more in this White Paper.v

Boeing Fraud Enforcement-the DOJ brings the hammer down on Boeing for its fraud around the 737Max failures. In this White Paper, find out why every compliance professional needs to be aware of fraud risk
Boeing Fraud Enforcement-the DOJ brings the hammer down on Boeing for its fraud around the 737Max failures. In this White Paper, find out why every compliance professional needs to be aware of fraud risk
Boeing Fraud Enforcement-the DOJ brings the hammer down on Boeing for its fraud around the 737Max failures. In this White Paper, find out why every compliance professional needs to be aware of fraud risk

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