Rod Robertson on Reverse Mentorships and Leading Millennials and GenZs

Richard Lummis is on assignment this week so I am pleased to host Rod Robertson. Robertson is the Managing Directors at Briggs Capital. In this episode, we discuss how much Baby Boomers can learn from Millennials and GenZs and how business culture will change as they and the next generation move into the workplace. We have a special shout out to Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

  • The work of Briggs Capital.
  • What is a ‘no show’ transaction?
  • What does the phrase “dependents of the pandemic” mean?
  • Why employers should allow canines in the office.
  • Why is this issue so important to GenZers and Millennials?
  • What does this issue teach us OWG (old white guys) about listening to and managing GenZers and Millennials?
  • How does Goldman Sachs and its 100-hour work week for junior employees fit into broader context of managing Millennials?
  • What do companies and individuals need to be thinking about into 2025 and beyond regarding managing GenZers and Millennials?

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