SBR Authors Podcast – Hal Hershfield, Your Future Self – Part 1

Welcome to the Sunday Book Review, the Authors Podcast! In this episode, Tom is joined by colleague Earnie Broughton. Join Tom and Earnie as they interview Hal Hershfield, author of Your Future Self, on Sunday Book Review-Author’s Edition. Delve into the psychology of decision-making and the importance of understanding present and future selves. Listen in as they discuss how organizational identity influences risk and ethical decisions and how the concept of multiple selves relates to integrity and making ethical decisions. Discover the neuroscience behind thoughts about one’s future self and how forgiveness and self-forgiveness can overcome procrastination. Learn how a connection to one’s future self can affect ethical behavior in an organizational context and find practical ways to bring ethics and compliance into workplace programs. Make sure to catch the release date of Hershfield’s upcoming book and where to find his research. Tune in now for an engaging and thought-provoking conversation!

Key Highlights Include:

·      Inaccurate Self-Prediction in Organizations

·      Collective Identity and Ethical Decision Making

·      Challenges of Future Self Concept

·      Importance of Future Self in Decision Making

·      Visualization, Procrastination, and Forgiveness

·      Connection to Future Self and Ethical Behavior

·      Ethical Behavior and Personal Values

 Notable Quotes:

“People who have a stronger sense of connection to their future selves end up doing more of the stuff that they say they want to do, saving more, for instance, reporting higher levels of subjective health.”

“If an organization has a strong collective identity and sees itself almost as a person would over time, then you might imagine if the employee is there and the decision makers there, I buy into that identity, and they feel strongly about where the organization will go in the future, then I could imagine that level of connection will be an important input into these risk decisions, ethical decisions.”

“The essential self. The one that is continuous over time that others see as these moral traits that you’re talking about…I think that relates to the ethics topic of integrity integration and bringing those disparate parts in the resonance.”

“Our future selves evoke similar activity patterns as thoughts about others. In the brain, our future selves look like other people.


Hal Hershfield

Hal Hershfield at UCLA

Your Future Self

Tom Fox






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