Scott Garland and Zach Hafer – Practice After the DOJ

Welcome to the award-winning FCPA Compliance Report, the most senior podcast in compliance. I have double trouble in this episode as I welcome Scott Garland and Zach Hafer. They worked together for many years at the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts. Both are now in private practice, Garland as a Managing Director at Affiliated Monitors, Inc. and Hafer as a Partner at Cooley LLP in Boston.

Some of the highlights include:

In this podcast, we consider DOJ corporate enforcement through the mechanisms of DPAs and NPAs based upon Hafer’s tenure as the Criminal Chief. They discussed the need to balance approving prosecutions for general impact vs. based on the case’s merits. We also consider how, if at all, the Monaco Memo changes DOJ focus. Garland leads us through a discussion of compliance issues within a prosecutor’s office, why your compliance philosophy is so critical, and some of the biggest issues and situations they both confronted while in the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts. We conclude this section with a discussion of receiving compliance advice: what worked and what did not.

We conclude with a discussion of transitioning from DOJ to private practice, and both Zach and Scott summarize some of the key questions they are getting from clients. Garland opines on key issues he sees for monitors after Monaco Memo, and we conclude with why proactive monitoring can be such a powerful tool.


Scott Garland at Affiliated Monitors

Zach Hafer at  Cooley LLP

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