Sunday Book Review: November 10, 2024 – The Books on Middle Manager Edition

In the Sunday Book Review, Tom Fox considers books that interest the compliance professional, the business executive, or anyone curious. It could be books about business, compliance, history, leadership, current events, or anything else that might interest Tom.

In today’s edition of the Sunday Book Review, Tom Fox looks at four top books on being a middle manager and the importance of the role of middle management in November 2024.

  1. Beyond the Hammer by Brian Gottlieb
  2. Leading from the Middle by Scott Mautz
  3. Managing from the Middle by Ken Wilkins
  4. Power to the Middle by Schaninger, Hancock, and Field



For more information on the Ethico Toolkit for Middle Managers, available at no charge, click here.

For more information on the first Annual Compliance Podcast Network Agora Awards for Excellent in Podcasting and to register, click here. There is no charge for this event.

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