Tapping Into Your Unconscious to Land Your Dream Job with Alex Morgan

What if you could reprogram your mind to achieve career success? Alex Morgan joins Mary Ann Faremouth on this episode of Career Can Do, to explain how we can tap into the power of our unconscious mind to unlock our limitless potential. Alex is a certified professional hypnotist and author of The Transformative Power of Suggestion. He uses hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming to help people overcome negative emotions and achieve their goals. In this episode, he explores specific strategies to manage stress, adopt an abundance mindset during your job search, and constantly seek feedback to grow.

Our unconscious mind shapes our beliefs and behaviors. Alex remarks, “Everything begins as a thought. The chair that I’m sitting in, at some point, someone, thought of this in their mind and created this. Everything around us was created by a thought.” By tapping into the unconscious mind through hypnosis and visualization techniques, we can reprogram limiting beliefs and instill empowering suggestions.

Believe that you deserve career success. Holding empowering beliefs helps you build confidence to take risks and put yourself out there during a job search. “When you actually speak to people,” Alex points out, “you have this belief that the people you’re talking to, you’re going to find them interesting, and they’re going to find you interesting as well. And this will help build a lot of beneficial relationships.”

Mastering your mental state is key for performing under pressure during interviews and on the job. Alex recommends relaxation techniques like controlled breathing and autogenic training to relieve stress. He explains that you can reprogram your mind to be relaxed, calm, and motivated in stressful situations, using these strategies. 


Alex Morgan on LinkedIn | The Transformative Power of Suggestion


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